.NET Memory Profiler Edition Comparison

.NET Memory Profiler is available in three editions: Standard, Professional, and Enterprise. Below is a comparison of the features that are included in the editions. For more details about the features, see the features page.

US$ 189/€ 169

US$ 389/€ 349

US$ 549/€ 489

Standard Profiling
Profile standalone application
Profile ASP.NET (using IIS, IIS Express, or WebDev.WebServer)
Profile Windows Store App
Profile Windows Universal App
Profile .NET Core application
Profile .NET Core ASP.NET Core
Profile Silverlight Application
Profile WPF Browser Application
Profile Windows Service
Production Code Profiling
Attach to already running .NET processes
Import memory dump files
Open NmpCore session files
Remote Profiling
Profile processes on a remote machine
Updated! Heap Snapshots
Collect heap snapshots
Compare heap snapshots
Snapshot filters
Collect peak snapshots
Automatic Memory Analysis
Get tips and warnings about common memory usage issues
Duplicate instances detection
Guided Profiling
Get step-by-step guidance for common profiling tasks
Profiling Levels
Balance the amount of data collected against the performance and memory overhead of the profiler
Updated! Instance Graph
Updated! Get a visual overview of how a managed instance is being used and how it is related to other instances.
Updated! Combined instances graph for multiple selected instances.
Snapshot Views
Managed types
Managed type details
Managed type instance details
Filter details
Call stacks and methods
Native memory
Native resources
Native resource details
Native resource instance details
View specific fields in managed instances list
Decompile source of methods in allocation stacks (using the CodeRush decompiler)
New!Get information about target method of delegates
Easily filter and sort tabular data, and customize the way it is presented
Browse through a selected set of types, resources, or instances.
Instance and Allocation Filters
Focus on instances and allocations that share common characteristics
Dependency Property Evaluation
Dependency properties evaluated for WPF and Silverlight applications
Updated! Real-time View
Graphical and numerical real-time view of managed types
Graphical and numerical real-time view of native resources
Graphical and numerical real-time view of performance counters
Additional sessions in real-time view for real-time comparison
Profiler Projects
Define session settings in a profiler project
Keep track of session files related to a project
Use projects explorer to view multiple projects and sessions
Compare snapshots between different sessions
Dispose Tracker
Collect information about disposed instances
Collect information about instances that are not properly disposed
Heap Utilization Tracker
Find out about how the heap generations are used by allocated instances
Identify unreachable instances by collecting generation #0 snapshots
Multiple .NET Runtimes
Support for processes with multiple .NET runtimes loaded
Multiple Processes in a Single Session
Profile multiple processes in the same session
Open session files containing multiple processes
Multiple Sessions in a Single Session
Work with multiple session documents in Visual Studio
Work with multiple session documents in standalone profiler
AppDomain Tracker
Focus on a single AppDomain
Native Resources Tracker
Track information about native resource instances
Identify managed instances that wraps native resource instances
Full native call stacks 
Updated! .NET Memory Profiler API
Use memory assertions to automatically detect memory leaks
Declaratively define expected memory usage by using assertion attributes.
Add comments to the real-time graph
Programmatically collect heap snapshots from the profiled process
Command Line Tools
Start profiling (with or without UI) using command line arguments
Specify session settings using command line arguments
Specify profiler project to use when profiling using command line arguments
Updated! Visual Studio Integration
Updated! Visual Studio 2022 integration
Updated! Visual Studio 2019 integration
Updated! Visual Studio 2017 integration
Updated! Debug profiling
NmpCore task as NuGet package
Updated! Run Tests under Profiler
Run Tests under Profiler using the CodeRush test runner (by DevExpress)
OS and .NET Framework Support
Support for .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8
Updated! Support for .NET Core 1.x/2.x/3.x
Updated! Support for .NET 5.0/.NET 6.0/.NET 7.0
Support for Windows Store Apps
Support for Silverlight 4 and 5
Updated! Support for Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11, and Windows 2012/2016/2019/2022 Server
Support for 64-bit OS
Support for 64-bit .NET Framework

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